
Meningococcal Disease


Meningococcal Disease

週六, 02 二月 2013 14:06 陳薇光醫師


    1. Acute bacteria disease, with the highest prevaence in Sub-Saharan Africa
    2. Person-to-person transmission by cose contact with respiratory secretions or saiva
    3. Incubation period of 2-10 days
    4. Symptoms : sudden-onset headache, fever, chis, stiffness of the neck, nausea,    
      vomiting, photophobia, atered menta status, sepsis, death



    1. One dose at east 10 days before departure
    2. Effective for at east 3 years and booster every 3 years if needed



    1. Aergy to vaccine component
    2. Acute iness or fever
    3. Pregnancy women
    4. Chidren < 2 years



    1. Adverse events : fever, headache, myagias, fatigue, rash, erythema/pain/sweing at the injection site. Usuay subside in 1-2 days.
    2. Suggest increase water intake and avoid vigorous exercises.
    3. Suggest immediatey return to the heathcare faciities if severe reactions deveop
    4. Avoid going to crowded paces during the endemic season (Dec-Jun)..