- Acute bacteria disease, with the highest prevaence in Sub-Saharan Africa
- Person-to-person transmission by cose contact with respiratory secretions or saiva
- Incubation period of 2-10 days
- Symptoms : sudden-onset headache, fever, chis, stiffness of the neck, nausea,
vomiting, photophobia, atered menta status, sepsis, death
- One dose at east 10 days before departure
- Effective for at east 3 years and booster every 3 years if needed
- Aergy to vaccine component
- Acute iness or fever
- Pregnancy women
- Chidren < 2 years
- Adverse events : fever, headache, myagias, fatigue, rash, erythema/pain/sweing at the injection site. Usuay subside in 1-2 days.
- Suggest increase water intake and avoid vigorous exercises.
- Suggest immediatey return to the heathcare faciities if severe reactions deveop
- Avoid going to crowded paces during the endemic season (Dec-Jun)..