- LR Chen, PH Hou, KH Chen. Nutritional Support and Physical Modalities for People with Osteoporosis: Current Opinion. Nutrients. 2019 Nov 20;11(12). pii: E2848.【SCI】
- LR Chen, NY Ko, KH Chen . Isoflavone Supplements for Menopausal Women: A Systematic Review. Nutrients. 2019 Nov 4;11(11). pii: E2649. 【SCI】
- LR Chen, NY Ko, KH Chen. Medical Treatment for Osteoporosis: From Molecular to Clinical Opinions. Int J Mol Sci. 2019 May 6;20(9). pii: E2213.【SCI】
- LR Chen, BS Yang, CN Chang, CM Yu, KH Chen. Additional Vitamin and Mineral Support for Patients with Severe Burns: A Nationwide Experience from a Catastrophic Color-Dust Explosion Event in Taiwan. Nutrients. 2018; 16;10(11). pii: E1782.【SCI】
- LR Chen, YT Wen, CL Kuo, KH Chen. Calcium and Vitamin D Supplementation on Bone Health: Current Evidence and Recommendations. International Journal of Gerontology. 2014; 8(4):183–188. 【SCI】
- ML Pan, LR Chen, HM Tsao, KH Chen. Iron Deficiency Anemia as a Risk Factor for Osteoporosis in Taiwan: A Nationwide Population-Based Study. Nutrients. 2017;16;9(6).
- ML Pan, LR Chen, HM Tsao, KH Chen. Polycystic ovarian syndrome and the risk of subsequent primary ovarian insufficiency: a nationwide population-based study. Menopause. 2017;24(7):803-809.【SCI】
- KH Chen, LR Chen, YK Wang. Contamination of medical charts: an important source of potential infection in hospitals. PLoS One. 2014;9(2):e78512.【SCI】SCI】