中山醫學大學醫學研究所 醫學博士
新竹馬偕紀念醫院婦產科部主任新竹馬偕紀念醫院 健檢中心主任
《聯合新聞網》30萬劑AZ、莫德納 學會籲:孕產婦接種mRNA為優先(2021-06-01)
《自由時報》能生不敢生 想生不能生 醫籲提高補助 促進生育率(2021-04-20)
《聯合新聞網》孕婦抽菸壞處多 專家建議嚼口香糖轉移注意力(2021-03-02)
《自由時報》1成新生兒過輕、早產 醫師:高齡產婦高風險/2019年占比增至30.94%新高 醫師籲接受更密集產檢(2021-03-02)
《公視新聞》生產事故救濟條例上路四年 婦產醫糾降七成(2020-07-21)
《東森新聞》孕婦殺手「肺靜脈栓塞」4大警訊! 醫:下肢分散性腫痛當心了(2020-07-11)
《中時新聞港》黃閔照樂接生 生產救濟條例推手_2019-12-28
《自由時報》去年生育均齡32歲 高齡產婦首度逾3成/母嬰健康風險增加 務必遵守「好孕守則」(2019-12-24)
《沃草新聞》「懷孕8週禁人工流產」公投惹議 婦產科醫學會批:忽視女性自主權又讓墮胎地下化(2019-10-23)
《健康醫療網》2019世界避孕日 正確避孕選擇造就美好未來(2019-09-20)
《聯合報》數據顯示子宮肌瘤「開腹」多 醫:傳統手術不代表落伍(2019-04-14)
《健康醫療網》2018世界避孕日 雙避陣線守護未來(2018-09-25)
《時報周刊》生產事故救濟增保障 產科醫師不再落跑(2016-06-03)
Five-year results of no-fault compensation related to childbirth injuries in Taiwan.Huang MC, Hsieh CH, Su TH, Shih CL.Taiwan J Obstet Gynecol. 2022
A survey of specialty choice among obstetrics and gynecology residents in Japan, Korea, and Taiwan. Lin PL, Huang JP, Fujii T, Cho EH, Huang MC.J Obstet Gynaecol Res. 2022
A novel reference chart and growth standard of fetal biometry in the Taiwanese population. Huang TM, Tsai CH, Hung FY, Huang MC.Taiwan J Obstet Gynecol. 2022
Mosaic trisomy 22 at amniocentesis: Prenatal diagnosis and literature review. Chen CP, Huang MC, Chern SR, Wu PS, Chen SW, Chuang TY, Town DD, Wang W.Taiwan J Obstet Gynecol. 2019
Treatment of interstitial cystitis in women. Hsieh CH, Chang WC, Huang MC, Su TH, Li YT, Chiang HS.Taiwan J Obstet Gynecol. 2012
Work hours of employed obstetricians in Taiwan. Huang MC, Huang WC, Hsieh CH, Kuo TC, Lee MS.Taiwan J Obstet Gynecol. 2018
Rectal abscess during pregnancy. Chang SH, Huang YH, Huang MC, Hsu TC.Taiwan J Obstet Gynecol. 2011 Jun;50(2):240-1. doi: 10.1016/j.tjog.2011
Distal 3p duplication and terminal 7q deletion associated with nuchal edema and cyclopia in a fetus and a review of the literature. Chen CP, Huang MC, Chern SR, Kuo YL, Chen YN, Wu PS, Chen LF, Pan CW, Wang W.Taiwan J Obstet Gynecol. 2015
A survey of career-decision factors for obstetrics and gynecology residents in Taiwan. Tsai CH, Hsieh CH, Huang JP, Lin PL, Kuo TC, Huang MC.Taiwan J Obstet Gynecol. 2021
Limb-body wall complex in one fetus of a dizygotic twin pregnancy conceived by egg donation, in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer: prenatal diagnosis and literature review. Chen CP, Lee MS, Tsai FJ, Huang MC, Chern SR, Wang W.Taiwan J Obstet Gynecol. 2009
Detection of hypomethylation of H19 in a pregnancy with limb-body wall complex. Chen CP, Chang SY, Huang MC, Chern SR, Chen SW, Lai ST, Chuang TY, Wang W.Taiwan J Obstet Gynecol. 2018
Ectopic pregnancy with oral contraceptive use. Lin HH, Huang MC, Lin CJ, Chen CP.Taiwan J Obstet Gynecol. 2008
Recurrent ectopic pregnancy after ipsilateral segmental salpingectomy. Chou LL, Huang MC.Taiwan J Obstet Gynecol. 2008
Comparison of sequential vaginal and sublingual misoprostol after a vaginal loading dose for second-trimester abortion. Huang MC, Hsieh CH, Huang JP, Tsai HT, Lee MS.Taiwan J Obstet Gynecol. 2017
Second-trimester plasma mannose-binding lectin levels and risk of preterm birth. Wang LK, Huang MC, Liu CC, Chen CP.J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 2017
AOFOG survey for the status of minimally invasive gynecologic surgery in the Asia/Oceania region. Mandai M; AOFOG MIGS Committee.J Obstet Gynaecol Res. 2019
Safety and efficacy of unidirectional barbed suture in mini-laparotomy myomectomy. Huang MC, Hsieh CH, Su TH, Chen CP, Yang TY, Wang KL, Lee MS.Taiwan J Obstet Gynecol. 2013
The clinicopathological characteristic associations of long non-coding RNA gene H19 polymorphisms with uterine cervical cancer. Huang MC, Chou YH, Shen HP, Ng SC, Lee YC, Sun YH, Hsu CF, Yang SF, Wang PH.J Cancer. 2019
Discordant anencephaly and Cantrell syndrome in monozygotic twins conceived by ICSI and IVF-ET. Chen CP, Huang MC, Chern SR, Wu PS, Su JW, Wang W.Taiwan J Obstet Gynecol. 2013
Hydrodistention plus bladder training versus hydrodistention for the treatment of interstitial cystitis. Hsieh CH, Chang WC, Huang MC, Su TH, Li YT, Chang ST, Chiang HS.Taiwan J Obstet Gynecol. 2012
Comparison between tension-free vaginal tape and transobturator tape in treating stress urinary incontinence after vaginal mesh surgery. Lin L, Huang MC, Su TH, Lau HH.Taiwan J Obstet Gynecol. 2018
Assessment of treatment outcomes of interstitial cystitis with hydrodistention and bladder training by O'Leary-Sant Interstitial Cystitis Symptom and Problem Indices. Huang MC, Hsieh CH, Chang WC, Chang ST, Lee MS.Taiwan J Obstet Gynecol. 2018
GnRH agonist long protocol versus GnRH antagonist protocol for various aged patients with diminished ovarian reserve: A retrospective study. Huang MC, Tzeng SL, Lee CI, Chen HH, Huang CC, Lee TH, Lee MS.PLoS One. 2018
Osteogenesis imperfecta type II: prenatal diagnosis and association with increased nuchal translucency and hypoechogenicity of the cranium. Chen CP, Su YN, Chang TY, Huang MC, Pan CH, Chern SR, Su JW, Wang W.Taiwan J Obstet Gynecol. 2012
Increased risk of preterm birth among women with mitral valve prolapse: a nationwide, population-based study. Chen CH, Huang MC, Liu HC, Huang CJ, Lin HC, Kou YR.Ann Epidemiol. 2011
The safety and efficacy of microwave endometrial ablation after endometrial curettage without hormonal pretreatment. Huang MC, Chen CP, Su TH, Wang KL, Yang YC, Hwu YM.Taiwan J Obstet Gynecol. 2007
Recurrent distal 16q duplication and terminal 22q deletion: prenatal diagnosis and genetic counseling. Chen CP, Huang MC, Su YN, Tsai FJ, Wu PC, Lee CC, Town DD, Pan CW, Wang W.Taiwan J Obstet Gynecol. 2010
Detection of de novo secondary trisomy 13 due to isochromosome (13q;13q) of paternal origin in a pregnancy with fetal cystic hygroma. Chen CP, Ko TM, Huang MC, Chern SR, Lin TW, Chang TY, Kuo YL, Chen WL, Wang W.Taiwan J Obstet Gynecol. 2015
Prenatal diagnosis of de novo interstitial deletions involving 5q23.1-q23.3 and 18q12.1-q12.3 by array CGH using uncultured amniocytes in a pregnancy with fetal interrupted aortic arch and atrial septal defect. Chen CP, Huang MC, Chen YY, Chern SR, Wu PS, Chen YT, Su JW, Wang W.Gene. 2013
Failure of laparoscopy to relieve ureteral obstruction secondary to endometriosis. Chen HY, Huang MC, Hung YC, Hsu YH.Taiwan J Obstet Gynecol. 2006
Pseudomyxoma peritonei as a cause of culture-negative peritonitis for a patient undergoing peritoneal dialysis. Hsu YH, Huang MC, Ting CC, Tu HY, Hsia CC.Am J Kidney Dis. 2006
A modified suspension technique for better exposure of the retroperitoneal space during laparoscopic lymphadenectomy. Huang MC, Wang KL, Chen HS, Yang YC, Su TH.J Am Assoc Gynecol Laparosc. 2002
Rapid genome-wide aneuploidy diagnosis using uncultured amniocytes and array comparative genomic hybridization in pregnancy with abnormal ultrasound findings detected in late second and third trimesters. Chen CP, Su YN, Tsai FJ, Chern SR, Hsu CY, Huang MC, Wang W.Taiwan J Obstet Gynecol. 2010