台北馬偕醫院社區醫學中心主任 (2016/2-)
台北馬偕醫院家庭醫學科主治醫師 (2004/7-)
台灣健康醫院學會監事 (2019/10-)
台灣醫院協會健保審查醫藥專家 (2020/3-)
國民健康署戒菸服務審查專家 (2018/10-)
台灣家庭醫學會家庭醫學與基層醫療執行編輯 (2020/10-)
台北市醫師公會會刊編輯 (2016-)
輝達(NVIDIA)公司臨廠服務醫師 (2019-)
樹林仁愛醫院家庭醫學科兼任醫師 (2004/7-)
華碩電腦公司臨廠服務醫師 (2011~2018, 2022/6-)主要學歷
台北醫學大學醫學系 (1990-1997)
美國約翰霍普金斯大學公共衛生碩士 (1998-1999)
臺灣師範大學健康促進與衛生教育博士 (2011-2019)主要經歷
台北馬偕醫院家庭醫學科主任 (2012/8~2018/6, 2022/5-2024/6)
新竹馬偕醫院家庭醫學科主治醫師 (2003/7-2004/6)
台北馬偕醫院家庭醫學科住院醫師 (1999/7-2003/6)
馬偕紀念醫院優良教師 (2013,2014,2015,2016,2017)
馬偕紀念醫院模範員工 (2018)
台灣家庭醫學會家庭醫師臨床手冊編輯委員 (2010-2021)其他相關
- 1. Hui-Fang Yang, Chia-Chen Chang, Pei-Ling Tseng, Hsiang-Ru Lai, Jaw-Shiun Tasi, Wei-Hsin Huang, Yu-Hao Fan, Ci-Xiang Weng, Chen-Yin Tung: Effectiveness of innovative instructional module for professional competence in health literacy in medical students. BMC Medical Education 2022 Mar 28;22(1):210.
- 2. Chin-Jung Lin, Wei-Hsin Huang, Che-Yuan Hsu, Jin-Jin Tjung, Hsin-Lung Chan: Smoking Cessation Rate and Its Predictors among Heavy Smokers in a Smoking-Free Hospital in Taiwan. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021 Dec 8;18(24):12938.
- 3.Szu-Ying Tsai, Wei-Hsin Huang, Hsin-Lung Chan, Lee-Ching Hwang: The role of smoking cessation programs in lowering blood pressure: A retrospective cohort study. Tobacco Induced Diseases 2021 Oct 22;19:82.
- 4.Meng-Ting Tsou, Yu-Chen Chang, Ching-Ping Hsu, Yang-Che Kuo, Chun-Ho Yun, Wei-Hsin Huang, Kuang-Chun Hu, Chia-Yuan Liu, Ying-Ju Chen, Kuo-Tzu Sung, Chuan-Chuan Liu, Chung-Lieh Hung, Jen-Yuan Kuo, Tung-Ying Chen, Ta-Chuan Hung, Hung-I Yeh: Visceral adiposity index outperforms conventional anthropometric assessments as predictor of diabetes mellitus in elderly Chinese: a population-based study. Nutrition & Metabolism 2021 Sep 25;18(1):87
- 5.Hsin-Ju Chen, Wei-Hsin Huang, Hsin-Lung Chan, Lee-Ching Hwang: Improvement in Cardiometabolic Risk Factors During Smoking Cessation Treatment in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes: A Retrospective Cohort Study. Diabetes Metab Syndr Obes. 2021 Apr 16;14:1695-1702. doi: 10.2147/DMSO.S303446.
- 6.Cheng-Chien Lai , Wei-Hsin Huang, Betty Chia-Chen Chang , Lee-Ching Hwang: Development of Machine Learning Models for Prediction of Smoking Cessation Outcome. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2021 Mar 5;18(5):2584. doi: 10.3390/ijerph18052584.
- 7.Meng-Ting Tsou, Tsung-Ping Pai, Te-Ming Chiang, Wei-Hsin Huang, Hsiu-Mei Lin, Shu-Chen Lee: Burnout and metabolic syndrome among different departments of medical center nurses in Taiwan-Cross sectional study and biomarker research. Journal of Occupational Health 2021 Jan;63(1):e12188.
- 8.Chih-Po Chang, Wei-Hsin Huang, Ching-Hui You, Lee-Ching Hwang, I-Jung Lu,
- Hsin-Lung Chan: Factors Correlated with Smoking Cessation Success in Older Adults: A Retrospective Cohort Study in Taiwan. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2019, 16, 3462; doi:10.3390/ijerph16183462
- 9.Yu-Chen Chang, Wei-Hsin Huang, Chia-Ying Tsai, Lee-Ching Hwang Comparisons of early and delayed abstainers and its effects on long-term smoking cessation in Taiwan. Subst Abuse Treat Prev Policy. 2019; 14: 31.
- 10.Wei-Hsin Huang, Hsin-Yin Hsu , Betty Chia-Chen Chang, Fong-Ching Chang: Factors Correlated with Success Rate of Outpatient Smoking Cessation Services in Taiwan. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2018,15,1218.
- 11. Betty Chia-Chen Chang, Lee-Ching Hwang, Wei-Hsin Huang: Positive Association of Metabolic Syndrome with a Single Nucleotide Polymorphism of Syndecan-3 (rs2282440) in the Taiwanese Population. Int J Endocrinol. 2018; 2018: 9282598.
- 12. Wei-Hsin Huang, Lee-Ching Hwang, Hsin-Lung Chan, Hsiang-Yu Lin, Yung Hsiang Lin: Study of seven single-nucleotide polymorphisms identified in East Asians for association with obesity in a Taiwanese population. BMJ Open 2016;6:e011713.
- 13.Meng-Ting Tsao, Betty Chia-Chen Chang, Wei-Hsin Huang, Ching-Ping Hsu: Prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome and Risk Factor Analysis Among Urban Elderly in One Medical Center in Northern Taiwan. International Journal of Gerontology. Sep.2014
- 中文著作
- 1.得舒飲食介入對高血壓前期病人血壓及血脂之影響-病例系列研究 蔡一賢;葉宏一;黃偉新;洪崇烈;王蒼恩:臺灣膳食營養學雜誌 11卷1 期 (2019/06)
- 2.張宇辰;鄒孟婷;黃偉新: 揮鞭症候群-病例報告。中華職業醫學雜誌 2018;25(2):125-133
- 3.張宇辰、黃偉新: 正常體重者之中心型肥胖。臺北市醫師公會會刊(2016/09) 4.許馨尹、黃偉新:百日咳預防與治療。家庭醫學與基層醫療 2015;30(5): 146-149。
- 5.林信惠、徐慶玶、黃偉新:伊波拉病毒。家庭醫學與基層醫療 2015; 30(7):200-205。
- 6.蕭伶茲、黃麗卿、黃偉新: 新減重藥物的發展。家庭醫學與基層醫療 2015;
- 30(4) : 108-112。
- 7.林信惠;許馨尹;黃偉新; 張志隆: 以下肢水腫為首發表現的卵巢癌—病例 報告。臺灣家庭醫學雜誌 2014;24(4):194-200
- 8.羅佑珍;陳虹汶;蘇文浩;黃偉新: Recommendations for Artificial Hydration in a Terminally Ill Center Patient。安寧療護 2013;18(2):186-199
- 9.洪瑞麟;黃偉新;詹欣隆;黃麗卿:成人期體重增加與代謝症候群之相關性。臺 灣家庭醫學雜誌 2013;23(2):83-92
- 10.Tzu-Lin Yeh, Jing-Ling Luo, Lee-Ching-Hwang and Wei-Hsin Huang: Diagnosis and Management of Acute Renal Infarction. 臺灣家庭醫學雜誌 2013;23(1):39-46
- 11.鄒孟婷;黃偉新:社區職場之過勞相關因素分析及執行困難之探討。中華職業 醫學雜誌 2013;20(1):25-38
- 12.鄒孟婷;張家禎;黃偉新:特殊疫苗施打與瘧疾預防藥物之副作用及瘧疾預防 藥物遵醫囑性分析--給往返海外工作者之建議。中華職業醫學雜誌 2013;20(1):55-64
- 13.梁倪嘉;黃麗卿;黃偉新:同半胱胺酸血症與心血管疾病危險預估之相關性研 究-以北部某醫學中心員工為例。中華職業醫學雜誌 2012;19(1):52-61 14.林建輝;黃偉新;鄒孟婷:日間嗜睡程度在不同性別之相關因素探討-以職場 前之大專生分析。中華職業醫學雜誌 2011;18(4):259-270
- 15.詹欣隆;黃偉新;鄒孟婷:睡眠時間長短與成人健康風險行爲之探討-給職場 工作者之建議。中華職業醫學雜誌 2011;18(3):153-164
- 16.黃偉新;鄒孟婷;羅錦泉;黃麗卿: 某醫學中心藥劑部門人員骨骼肌肉傷害之 分析。中華職業醫學雜誌 2010;17(2):113-122
- 家庭醫學相關之會議論文報告
- 1.台灣成人胰島素阻抗與腸胃道息肉之相關性研究:家庭醫學會年會 口頭報告 (通訊作者) (2022)
- 2.探討台灣年長者口腔健康行為與認知功能障礙風險之相關性研究:家庭醫學會 年會 海報(2022)
- 3.代謝健康的過重/肥胖者與頸動脈斑塊之相關性研究:家庭醫學會年會 海報 (2022)
- 4. Discussion on the effectiveness of “Collecting points reward system” involved in employee health promotion activities: 第 28 屆 HPH 國際會議 海報 (第一作者) (2021)
- 5. Love Your Neighbor: The Community Health Plan in a Health Promoting Hospital in Taiwan. Wei-Hsin Huang, Betty Chia-Chen Chang, Shu-Chen Lee, Li-Jen Liang,
- Nai-Fang Hu, Yu-Hua Chen, Lee-Ching Hwang. Doi: 10.29102/clinhp.1902S07. (p. 25) :第 27 屆 HPH 國際會議 (第一作者) (2019)
- 6.Characteristics of Cigarette Smoking Early Quitters and its Effects on Long-term Cessation in a Smoking Free Hospital in Taiwan: 第 27 屆 HPH 國際會議 口頭報告 (2019)
- 7. Effectiveness of a Screening and Health Promotion Activity for Osteoporosis in a Medical Center in Northern Taiwan: 第 27 屆 HPH 國際會議 口頭報告 (2019)