
Nursing Care for Umbilical Cord 臍帶護理指導 (中英對照)

Nursing Care for Umbilical Cord 臍帶護理指導 (中英對照)

I. Goal
i. Keep the umbilical cord stump clean and dry.let the stump fall off naturally
ii. Prevent umbilical cord infection or inflammation
 95% alcohol solution and a few cotton swabs
III. Methods
i. Use the the cotton swabs to make the stump dry first if it’s wet with discharge.
ii. Sterilize the stump with alcohol-dipped cotton swabs, cotton swabs deep from the umbilical cord roots from the inside out (up, down, left and right). Don’t do the circle back and forth to prevent contamination, repeated four times.
iii. Umbilical cord care at least 4 times per day, should be done after the baby taking bath.
iv. This procedure can be done when feeding, periods between feeding, or before changing diapers.
IV. Precautions
i. Wash your hands with soap before doing the umbilical cord care.
ii. If the stump is contaminated with urine or stool, please repeat the Procedures again.
iii. It takes approximately 2-3 weeks for the stump falling off by naturally.
iv. If the stump falls off, the care should be continued for 2-3 days until the umbilical root dry totally without discharge.
V.Go to the doctors immediately if found in the following situations
i. Inflamed at the umbilical base appears res or swollen, produces, a foul smelling discharge.
ii. The baby with fever.
VI. If you have any question or suggestion, please contact with us. We are happy to provide you services to you. Contact telephone number: MacKay Memorial Hospital: (02)25713760; Hsinchu MacKay Memorial Hospital: (03)5745098;
Taitung MacKay Memorial Hospital: (089)310150 ext: 624. 
Time of consultant: 9:00 am~12:00 noon, 2:00 pm~5:00 pm Monday ~ Friday.
May God Bless You