  • 李宏昌醫師相片


    小兒科 :
    信望愛特別門診 :

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      馬偕紀念醫院 專員/門診管理中心主任/小兒科部主任/小兒胃腸科主任
      臺灣早產兒基金會 董事長
      臺灣兒科醫學會 理事/監事/編輯
      中華民國兒童保健協會 理事長/理事
      台灣小兒消化醫學會 理事長/常務理事
      中華民國醫用超音波學會 理事/監事/常務監事/常務理事
      衛福部食品衛生安全與營養諮議會 委員








  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?reload=9&v=nvhnvu0bvw0
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1N9j8626R3E
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cD8HHcP0rlM


  • 1. Lee HC*, Jiang CB, Chan WT, Yeung CY. Sonogram of Biliary Dilatation in Children. In: Thoirs K. Ed. SONOGRAPHY. InTech Publishers.2012, Croatia p.187-200
  • 2. Yeung CY, Lee HC, Lin SP, Chuang CK, Huang FY. New insights into hydrolysate formula and amino acid composition of infant formula In: Carter LV, Ed. Child Nutrition Research Advances. Nova Science Publishers, 2007 New York p. 273-288..
  • 3. 簡明小兒科學(總校閱;Nelson Essentials of Pediatrics中譯本;5th ed;2008)
  • 4. 臨床新生兒科學(作者群之ㄧ;嘉洲出版社;2006)
  • 5. 小兒常見疾病之超音波學應用(作者群之ㄧ;2005)
  • 6. 臨床兒科學(主編;嘉洲出版社;2004)
  • 7. 絕對強健寶寶腸胃(台視文化;2004)
  • 8. 小兒消化系統疾病(當代醫學文庫2002)
  • 9. 認識小兒消化系統疾病(偉華出版社;2000)
  • 10. 怎樣照顧寶寶腸胃(台視文化;1995)


  • 1. Lee HC*, Huang HH, Huang FY: Lead encephalopathy in two young children. Acta Paed Sin 22:54~60,1981

  • 2. Tsai TC, Huang FY, Lee HC, Chyou SC Yeh ML: Phytobezoar in children. Nine cases report. Acta Paed Sin 25:434~38,1984
  • 3. Lee HC*, Hsi JC, Huang FY: The clinical diagnostic value of “Sucrose Tolerance Test” in pediatric patients with diarrhea. Acta Paed Sin 26:445~49,1985
  • 4. Wu CC, Lee HC*, Huang FY, Kao HA, et al : Congenital dilatation of the biliary tract in infancy and childhood. J Formos Med Assoc 85:984~92,1986
  • 5. Huang FY, Yang WL, Lee HC, .Chu ML, Broadberry RE: T-Ag and anaerobic infection. Acta Paed Sin 27:52~56, 1986
  • 6. Lin GH, Huang FY, Chyou SC, Lee HC, Hung HY, Yang DI: Clinical observation of
  • campylobacter enterocolitis in children. Acta Paed Sin 27:114~17,1986
  • 7. Lin SP, Chyou SC, Huang FY, Lee HC, Wu WH et al: Aeromonas-associated diarrhea disease. Acta Paed Sin 27:216~22,1986
  • 8. Chang KL, Huang FY, Lee HC, .Shih SL, Yeh ML: Malrotation of the intestine in infants and children: Radiologic diagnosis and clinical implications. Acta Paed Sin 27:541~46,1986
  • 9. Lin SP, Huang FY, Lee HC, Yeh ML, Chou KS: Superior mesenteric artery syndrome in newborns: Two cases report. Acta Paed Sin 27:585~89,1986
  • 10. Lee HC*, Huang FY: Beneficial effect of fructose in the treatment of pediatric patients with diarrhea. Acta Paed Sin 28:171~76,1987
  • 11. Shieh BF, Wang CH, Lee HC, Chan WK: scintigraphic presentation of ileal duplication: A case report. Ann Nucl Med 1:119~21,1988
  • 12. Liaw SB, Chyou SC, Kao HA, Hong HY, Lee HC: Pyomyositis in children: report of four cases. Acta Paed Sin 29(5):335-40, 1988
  • 13. Lee CT, Huang FY, Hung HY., Hsu CH. Lee HC. Shih SL. Yeh ML: [Intussusception: analysis of 167 cases]. Chinese Medical Journal. 41(2):153-8, 1988
  • 14. Chyou SC, .Leu YJ, Fuang FY, Lee HC, Lee DI ,et al: An etiological study of infectious diarrhea in infants and children in Taipei area. Acta Paed sin 29:213~20,1988
  • 15. Wu CC, Lee HC*, Hung FY, Yeh ML et al: Traumatic psedocysts of the pancreas in children: Reports of 3 cases. J Formos Med Assoc 87:579~83,1988
  • 16. Lee HC*, Yeh HJ, Leu YJ: Intussusception: The sonographic diagnosis and its clinical value.J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 8:343~47,1989
  • 17. Lee HC*, Yang YC, Shih SL, .Chiang HJ: Aneurysmal dilatation of the portal vein. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 8:387~89,1989
  • 18. Lee HC*, Chiou JY , Yeh HJ: Sonographic diagnosis of infantile hypertrophic pyloric stenosis. J Ultrasound Med ROC 6;261~65,1989
  • 19. Tsai TC, Lee HC*, Huang FY: The size of the renal pelvis on ultrasonography in children.J Clin Ultrasound 17:647~51,1989
  • 20. Wang PA, Lee HC*, Hung HY , Yeh MR, Cheng BF, Wang CH: Duplication of the
  • alimentary tract: Report of 3 cases. Acta Paed Sin 30:349~55,1989
  • 21. Chiu NC, Shen EY, Lee HC.: Hemorrhagic shock and encephalopathy syndrome: Report of two cases. Acta Paed Sin 30(2):118-22, 1989
  • 22. Hsu WC , Hung HY, Huang FY , Kao HA, Lee HC, Shih CC, Chen PF.: Pulmonary
  • hypoplasia associated with oligohydramnios: report of five cases. Acta Paed Sin
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  • 23. Huang FY, Lan HJ, Tsai TC, Lee HC, Shih SL , Lou JI. Ureteropelvic junction obstruction presenting with abdominal pain: analysis of fourteen cases Acta Paed Sin 31(3):176-82, 1990
  • 24. Wu CC, .Chow KS, Lu TN, Huang FY. Lee H.C., .Chang KL: Tuberculous splenic
  • abscess: Sonographic detection and follow up. J Clin Ultrasound 18:205~9,1990
  • 25. Chiu.NC, Huang F Y, Kao HA, Lee HC, Chang PY: Chylous ascites in infancy
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  • 26. Hsu WC, Huang FY, Lee HC, Shih SL: Microcolon in newborns: Clinical
  • significance and differential diagnosis. Acta Paed Sin 32:151~57, 1991
  • 27. Huang FY, Sun W, Shen EY, Kao HA, Lee HC. Penicillin-resistant pneumococcal
  • meningitis: report of two cases. Acta Paed Sin 32(5):319-24, 1991
  • 28. Huang YC. Huang FY. Lee HC. Atypical Kawasaki disease: report of two cases.
  • Acta Paed Sin 33(3):206-11, 1992
  • 29. Huang FY, Huang YC, Tsai TC, Lee HC, Shih SL. Is IVP necessary in children with
  • urinary tract infection?.Acta Paed Sin 33(4):257-63, 1992
  • 30. Chou YH, Chang MH, .Lee HC, Chen CC, .Lee YW, .Hsu HC: Portal hypertension
  • in a child with retroperitoneal fibrosis. J Pediatr Gastroentero Nutr 15:444~47,1992
  • 31. Shih SL, .Lin JC, .Lee HC, Blickman JG: Unusual causes of obstructive jaundice in
  • children: Diagnosis on CT. Pediatr Radiol 22:512~14,1992
  • 32. Yeung CY, Lin SP, Kao HA, Shen EY, .Lee HC, .Lin CH, Hsiao KJ: Maple
  • Syrup Urine Disease. J Formos Med Asso 92:765~8,1993
  • 33. Tsai CE, Huang C, Lee HC, Lin Y., Ting H: Influence of infant formula intake
  • on the growth and development of infants. J Chinese Nutr Soc 18:67~77,1993
  • 34. Sheu JC, Chang PY, Chen CC, Lee HC, Huang FY: Surgical management of
  • complicated gastrointestinal salmonellosis in children. Acta Paed Sin 34:84~90,1993
  • 35. Hsu CH, Lee HC*, Chiu NC, Huang FY: Duplex Doppler Assessment of Visceral and
  • Cerebral Blood Flow Velocity in Full-term Newborns. J Formos Med Assoc 92:803~6,1993
  • 36. Hsu YC, Lin TY, Lee HC, Huang FY, Sheu JC: Congenital biliary tract dilatation in
  • infancy and childhood--74 cases experience. Chang Gung Med J 17(4):301-8, 1994 Dec.
  • 37. Hsu CH, Lee HC*, Huang FY: Duplex ultrasonographic assessment of gut blood flow
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  • 38. Lee HC* , Huang FY, Hsu CH, Sheu JC, Shih SL: Acute Segmental Obstructing
  • Enteritis in children. J Pediatr Gastroentero Nutr 18:82~86,1994
  • 39. Wang PA, Lee HC*: Sonography of Neonatal adrenal hemorrhage. J Med Ultrasound
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  • 40. Huang YC. Lee HC. Huang FY, Kao HA, Yeh ML, Chang P Y, Sheu J C, Shih SL,
  • Chen B F: Neonatal-onset chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction syndrome. Clinical
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  • 41. Lin HC, Lin JT , Deng HH, Lee HC, Lin ST: Intestinal volvulus caused by a persistent
  • omphalomesenteric band: Report of one case. Acta Paed Sin 36:58~60,1995
  • 42. Yeung CY, Lee HC*, Huang FY, .Ho MY, Kao HA, Liang DC, Hsu CH, Hung HY,Chang PY, Sheu JC: Pancreatitis in children-experience with 43 cases. Eur J Pediatr 155:458-63,1996
  • 43. Chen CP, Chern SR, Liu FF, Jan SW, Lee HC, Sheu JC, Lee WT, Wang TY: Perinatal
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  • 44. Chen CP, Chen SH, Chuang CY, .Lee HC, Hwu YM , Chang PY , Chen ML, Chen BF : Clinical and perinatal sonographic features of congenital adrenal cystic neuroblastom: a case report with review of the literature. Ultrsound Obstet.Gynecol 120;68-73, 1997
  • 45. Hsu TC, Lee HC: Colonscopy in children. J Society Colon Rectal Surgeon 8:132-6,1997
  • 46. Yeung CY, Lee HC*, Huang FY, Wang CS: Sepsis during total parenteral
  • nutrition:exploration of risk factors and determination of the effectiveness of
  • peripherally inserted central venous catheters. Pediatr Infect Dis J 17:135-42, 1998
  • 47. Lee MJ, Lee HC*, Young W, Sheu JC, Chang PY, Wang N.L: Conservative treatment
  • of intra-abdominal abscess in children. Acta Paed Sin 39:301-305,1998
  • 48. Wang NL, Yeh ML, Chang PY, .Sheu JC, Chen CC, Lee HC, Hung HY, Hsu CH:
  • Perinatal and neonatal intussusception.Pediatr Surg Int 13:232~6, 1998
  • 49. Chiu MH, Lee HC*, Shen EY, Wang NL, Yeung CY, Chen BF, Shih SL:
  • Gastrointestinal bleeding caused by leiomyoma of the small intestine in a child with neurofibromatosis. Eur J Pediatr 158:460-2, 1999
  • 50. Chen CC, Chang MH, Lee HC, Twu SJ, Safary A : Immunogenicity and
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  • 51. Fang SB, Lee HC*, Sheu JH, Lo ZJ, Wu BL: Prenatal sonographic dectection of
  • adrenal hemoffhage confirmed by postnatal surgery. J Clin Ultrasound 27:206-9,1999
  • 52. Wang JS, Lee HC*, Sheu JC, Chang PY, Liang DC, Chen BF :Pancreatic tumors in
  • children: report of three cases. Acta Paediatr Tw 40:335-8,1999
  • 53. Li WC, Chiang CS , Chiu NC, WENG LC, Yang DI, Cheng CP, Lee HC, Yeung CY,
  • F.Y.Huang: Characterization of GroupD1 non-typhoid Salmonella isolates by
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  • 54. Lee HC*. Yeung CY. Chang PY. Sheu JC. Wang NL: Dilatation of the biliary
  • tree in children. J Ultrasound Med 19(3):177~182,2000
  • 55. Fang SB, Lee HC*, Sheu JC, Chen BF: An Unusual Cause of Gastrointestinal Bleeding
  • Segmental Dilatation of the Ileum: Report of One Case.: Acta Paediatrica
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  • 56. Fang SB, Lee HC*, Colonic Perforation in two Children with Campylobacter
  • Enterocolitis. Chang PY, Wang NL: European Journal of Pediatrics. 159:Aug 2000
  • 57. Huang CY. Lee YJ. Lee HC. Huang FY. :Neonatal adrenal hemorrhage.
  • Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine. 154(4):417-8, 2000 Apr.
  • 58. Fang SB. Lee HC. Huang FY. Chen MR.Intestinal pseudo-obstruction followed by major clinical features of Kawasaki disease: report of one case.Acta Paediatrica Taiwanica. 42(2):111-4, 2001 Mar-Apr.
  • 59. Hwang HK. Chen MR. Lee YJ. Lee HC. Huang CY. Kao HA. Huang FY. Shih BF.Metabolic disturbance in obese children: glucose, insulin levels and lipid profile.Acta Paediatrica Taiwanica. 42(2):75-80, 2001 Mar-Apr.
  • 60. Lee YJ. Liu HC. Lee HC. Tzen CY. Huang CY. Yang TL.Picture of the month. Multiple endocrine neoplasia 2B syndrome.Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine. 155(7):845-6, 2001 Jul.
  • 61. Chi H. Sun W. Chan WT. Lee HC. Fang SB.Pediatric Salmonella enterocolitis in a teaching hospital in Taitung: A four-year analysis.Acta Paediatrica Taiwanica. 42(5):297-300, 2001 Sep-Oct.
  • 62. Wang HS, Han YH, Lee HC, Hsu CH, Yeung CY. Clinical experience with gastric volvulus in early infancy. Clin Neoatol 8(2):18-21,2001
  • 63. Kao CT. Tsai JD. Lee HC. Wang NL. Shih SL. Lin CC. Huang FY.Right perinephric abscess: a rare presentation of ruptured retrocecal appendicitis. Pediatric Nephrology. 17(3):177-80, 2002 Mar.
  • 64. Kang TC. Lee HC*. Yang FS. Wang NL.Idiopathic hepatic arterio-portal fistula: report of one case.Acta Paediatrica Taiwanica. 43(2):102-5, 2002 Mar-Apr.
  • 65. Tang KT. Lee HC*. Liang DC. Chen SH. Liu HC. Sheu JC. Neural-crest tumor presenting with chronic diarrhea: a report of three cases.Journal of the Formosan Medical Association. 101(12):864-7, 2002 Dec.
  • 66. Yu CH. Lee HC. Liang DC. Shen EY. Sheu JC. Lee YJ.A boy with hypertension and virilization. Acta Paediatrica Taiwanica. 43(6):309-11, 2002 Nov-Dec.
  • 67. Chang HY,Yeung CY,Hsu CH, Lee HC, Lee YJ,Lin DS, Lin CC.Neonatal adrenal hemorrhage:5 year’s experience. Clin Neoatol 9(1):10-15,2002
  • 68. Jiang JH. Chiu NC. Lin YY. Lee KS. Lee HC. Huang FY.Acute epiglottitis caused by Haemophilus influenzae type b: a case report.Journal of Microbiology, Immunology & Infection. 36(1):69-71, 2003 Mar.
  • 69. Tsai JD. Lee HC. Lin CC. Liang DC. Chen SH. Huang FY.Epstein-Barr virus-associated acute renal failure: diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up. Pediatric Nephrology. 18(7):667-74, 2003 Jul.
  • 70. Yeh TC. Yeung CY. Sheu JC. Lee HC. Lin SP. Hsu CH. Lee YJ. Chiu NC. Ho CS.Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy in children: 15 cases experience.Acta Paediatrica Taiwanica. 44(3):135-9, 2003 May-Jun.
  • 71. Jiang CB. Lee HC*. Yeung CY. Sheu JC. Chang PY. Wang NL. Yeh CY.A scoring system to predict the need for liver transplantation for biliary atresia after Kasai portoenterostomy. European Journal of Pediatrics. 162(9):603-6, 2003 Sep.
  • 72. Lin MT. Yeung CY. Lee HC. Sheu JC. Wang NL. Lee KS.Management of foreign body ingestion in children: experience with 42 cases.Acta Paediatrica Taiwanica. 44(5):269-73, 2003 Sep-Oct.
  • 73. Chen HL. Chang CJ. Kong MS. Huang FC. Lee HC. Lin CC. Liu CC. Lee IH. Wu TC. Wu SF. Ni YH. Hsu HY. Chen DS. Chang MH.Pediatric fulminant hepatic failure in endemic areas of hepatitis B infection: 15 years after universal hepatitis B vaccination. Hepatology. 39(1):58-63, 2004 Jan.
  • 74. Wang NL. Lee HC. Yeh ML. Chang PY. Sheu JC.Experience with primary laparoscopy-assisted endorectal pull-through for Hirschsprung's disease. Pediatric Surgery International. 20(2):118-22, 2004 Feb.
  • 75. Kuo HC. Lee HC*. Shin CH. Sheu JC. Chang PY. Wang NL. Clinical spectrum of alimentary tract duplication in children. Acta Paediatrica Taiwanica. 45(2):85-8, 2004 Mar-Apr.
  • 76. Huang LH. Yeung CY. Shyur SD. Lee HC. Huang FY. Wang NL.Diagnosis of Henoch-Schonlein purpura by sonography and radionuclear scanning in a child presenting with bilateral acute scrotum.Journal of Microbiology, Immunology & Infection. 37(3):192-5, 2004 Jun.
  • 77. Wang JS, Lee HC* , Huang FY , Chang P-Y , Sheu JC : Unexpected mortality in pediatric patients with operative Hirschsprung’s disease . Pediatric Surgery International. 20( 7 ):525-28, 2004
  • 78. Yeung CY; Lee HC; Lin SP; Fang SB; Jiang CB; Huang FY; Chuang C-K: Serum cytokines in differentiating between viral and bacterial enterocolitis Ann Tro Paed 24( 4) :337-343 , 2004
  • 79. Chen HJ, Tsai JD, Lee HC, Chiu NC, Sheu JC, Shih SL, Tzen CY. Diffuse xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis in a child with severe complications. Pediatr Nephrol. 2004 Dec;19(12):1408-12.
  • 80. Fang SB; Lee HC*; Yeung CY; Tsai JW :Urinary tract infections in young infants with prolonged jaundice .Acta Paed Tw 2005;46:356-60
  • 81. Lin CC,Tsai JD, Lin SP, Lee HC: Renal sonographic findings of type I glycogen storage disease in infancy and early childhood. Pediatr Radiol. 2005 Aug;35(8):786-91. Epub 2005 May 19
  • 82. Wang CM, Lee HC, Yeung CY, Chu JH. Endoscopic stenting for chronic recurrent pancreatitis in a child. Acta Paediatr Taiwan. 2005 May-Jun;46(3):170-3.
  • 83. Chen HJ, Lin SP, Lee HC, Chen CP, Chiu NC, Hung HY, Chern SR, Chuang CK. Cystic fibrosis with homozygous R553X mutation in a Taiwanese child : J Hum Genet. 2005;50(12):674-8. Epub 2005 Nov 10
  • 84. Chan PC, Chen HL, Kong MS, Huang FC, Lee HC, Lin CC, Liu CC, Lee IH, Wu TC, Wu SF, Ni YH, Hsu HY, Chang MH. Factors affecting the mortality of pediatric fulminant hepatic failure in relation to hepatitis B virus infection. J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2005 Aug;20(8):1223-7
  • 85. Lee HC*; Fang SB; Yeung CY; Tsai JW :Urinary tract infections in infants: comparison between those with conjugated vs unconjugated hyperbilirubinaemia Ann Tro Paed 25(4): 277-282,2005
  • 86. Chuang CK, Lin SP, Lee HC, Wang TJ, Shih YS, Huang FY, Yeung CY. Free amino acids in full-term and pre-term human milk and infant formula. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2005 Apr;40(4):496-500
  • 87. Lin HY, Chuang CK, Lee HC, Chiu NC, Lin SP, Yeung CY. A seroepidemiologic study of Helicobacter pylori and hepatitis A virus infection in primary school students in Taipei. J Microbiol Immunol Infect. 2005 Jun;38(3):176-82.
  • 88. Li HJ, Huang CY, Lee HC, Chen MR, Lo FS, Lin CH, Wang AM, Shih BF, Lee YJ. Insulin resistance in obese adolescents. Acta Paediatr Taiwan. 2005 Mar-Apr;46(2):61-6.
  • 89. Chien LC, Yeh CY, Lee HC, Jasmine Chao H, Shieh MJ, Han BC Effect of the mother's consumption of traditional Chinese herbs on estimated infant daily intake of lead from breast milk. : Sci Total Environ. 2006 Feb 1;354(2-3):120-6.
  • 90. Tsai JD, Huang FY, Lin CC, Tsai TC, Lee HC, Sheu JC, Chang PY. Intermittent hydronephrosis secondary to ureteropelvic junction obstruction: clinical and imaging features .Pediatrics. 2006 Jan;117(1):139-46.
  • 91. Chang SW, Lee HC*, Yeung CY, Chan WT, Sheu JC, Wang NL, Shih SL: Gastric Volvulus in Children. Acta Ped Taianica , Jan-Feb;47(1):18-24w, 2006
  • 92. Yeun gCY, Lee HC, Lin SP, Yang YC, Huang FY, Chuang CK :Negative effect of heat sterilization on the free amino acid concentrations in infant formula. Eur J Clin Nutr. 2006 Jan;60(1):136-41
  • 93. Lee HC*, Yeung CY,Fang SB,Jiang CB,Sheu JC,Wang NL:Biliary cysts in children — Long term Follow-up in Taiwan.J Formos Med Assoc 2006;105(2):118-124
  • 94. Chen SM, Chang MH, Du JC, Lin CC, Chen AC, Lee HC, Lau BH, Yang YJ, Wu TC, Chu CH, Lai MW, Chen HL; Taiwan Infant Stool Color Card Study Group. Screening for biliary
  • atresia by infant stool color card in Taiwan. Pediatrics. 2006 Apr;117(4):1147-54.
  • 95. Lin HY, Lin SP,Chen YJ,Hung HY,Kao HA,Hsu CH,Chen MR,Chang JH,Ho CS,Huang FY, Shyur SD,Lin DS,Lee HC. Clinical characteristics and survival of trisomy 18 in a medical center in Taipei, 1988-2004. Am J Med Genet A. 2006 May 1;140(9):945-51
  • 96. Peng YS, Lee HC*, Yeung CY, Sheu JC, Wang NL, Tsai YH. 4 :Clinical Criteria for Diagnosing Perforated Appendix in Pediatric Patients. Pediatric Emergency Care Jul;22(7):475-9. 2006
  • 97. Huang DT, Chi H, Lee HC*, Chiu NC, Huang FY: T-antigen Activation for Prediction of Pneumococcus-induced Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome and Hemolytic Anemia. Pediatr Infe Dis J .July;25(7):608-10, 2006
  • 98. Koh CC, Sheu JC, Wang NL,Lee HC, Chang PY, Yeh ML. Recurrent ileocolic intussusception after different surgical procedures in children. Pediatr Surg Int. 2006 Sep;22(9):725-8. Epub 2006 Aug 5
  • 99. Huang FY, Lee YJ, Lee HC. Genetic Variations of HLA-DRB1 and Susceptibility to Kawasaki Disease in Taiwanese children. Human Immunology 2007:68(1):69-74
  • 100. Lee HC*. Editorial: Acute hepatitis in children. Acta Ped Taianica , 2007;(48)3:105-6
  • 101. Lee HC*. (Review article)Sonogram of Choledochal cysts in Children .J Med Ultrasound .2007;(15)3:191-6
  • 102. Yeung CY, Lee HC, Lin SP, Chuang CK, Huang FY. New insights into hydrolysate formula and amino acid composition of infant formula p. 273-288. In: Carter LV, Ed. Child Nutrition Research Advances. Nova Science Publishers, 2007 New York.
  • 103. Hsiao CH, Chang MH, Chen HL, Lee HC, Wu TC, Lin CC, Yang YJ, Chen AC, Tiao MM, Lau BH, Chu CH, Lai MW; Taiwan Infant Stool Color Card Study Group. Universal screening for biliary atresia using an infant stool color card in Taiwan. Hepatology. 2008 Apr;47(4):1233-40.
  • 104. Chan WT, Lee HC*, Yeung CY, Jiang CB, Sheu JC, Shih SL. Acute Appendicitis Presenting with Manifestations of Intestinal Malrotation and Paraduodenal Hernia: Report of a Case Formos J Surg 2008;41:278-281
  • 105. Huang FY, Chang TY, Chen RM, Chiu NC, Chi H, Lee HC, Lin SP, Chen CK, Chan HY,Chen WF, Liu HF, Chu CC. Lin M, Lee YJ.Genetic Polymorphisms in the CD40 Ligand Gene and Kawasaki Disease. J Clin Immunol (2008) 28:405–410
  • 106. Lin CM, Lee HC*, Kao HA, Hung HY, Hsu CH, Yeung CY, Sheu JC, Wang NL. Neonatal Gastric Perforation: Report of 15 Cases and Review of the Literature. Pediatr Neonatol 2008;49(3):65−70
  • 107. Huang FY, Chang TY, Chena MR, Lee HC, Chiu NC, Chia H, Hsua CH, Lin SP,Liub HF, Chen WF, Chu CC, Lin M, Lee YJ. The _590 C/T and 8375 A/G interleukin-4 polymorphisms are not associated with Kawasaki disease in Taiwanese children.. Human Immunology (2008) 69, 52–57
  • 108. Huang JT, Hou SY, Fang SB, Yu HW, Lee HC, Yang CZ. Development of a biochipusing antibody-coated gold nanoparticles to detect specific bioparticles. J Ind Microbiol Biotechnol 2008 Nov;35(11):1377-85.
  • 109. Chan WT, Lee HC*, Wang WN, Yeung CY, Jiang CB .Determination of the Normal Position of the Anus in Taiwanese Infants Pediatr Neonatol 2009;50(4):158−161
  • 110. Lan WT, Lee HC*, Yeung CY, Jiang CB .Kao HA, Hung HY, Chiu NC. Concomitant Rotavirus and Salmonella Infections in Children with Acute Diarrhea Pediatr Neonatol 2009;50(1):8−12
  • 111. Huang YL, Lee HC*, Yeung CY, Chan WT, Jiang CB, Sheu JC, Wang NL. Sonogram Before and After Pyloromyotomy:The Pyloric Ratio in Infantile Hypertrophic Pyloric Stenosis Pediatr Neonatol 2009;50(3):117−120
  • 112. Cheng YL, Lee HC*, Yeung CY, Chan WT. Clinical Significance in Previously Healthy Children of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in the Stool Pediatr Neonatol 2009;50(1):13−17
  • 113. Wang LC, Lee HC*, Yeung CY, Chan WT, Jiang CB. Gastrointestinal Polyps in Children Pediatr Neonatol 2009;50(5):196−201
  • 114. Fang SB, Tseng WY, Lee HC, Tsai CK, Huang JT, Hou SY. Identification of Salmonella using colony-print and detection with antibody-coated gold nanoparticles Journal of Microbiological Methods 77 (2009) 225–228
  • 115. Lien CH, Lee HC*, Yeung CY, Chan WT, Wang NL.Acute Torsion of Wandering Spleen:Report of One Case Pediatr Neonatol 2009;50(4):177−180
  • 116. Fang SB, Lee HC, Hu JJ, Hou SY, Liu HL,Fang HW. Dose-dependent effect of Lactobacillus rhamnosus on quantitative reduction of faecal rotavirus shedding in children. Journal of Tropical Pediatrics, 2009 55(5):297-301
  • 117. Ting WH, Huang CY, Lo FS, Lee HC, Lin CL, Guo WL, Lee YJ. Improved diabetic control during oral sulfonylurea treatment in two children with permanent neonatal diabetes mellitus.J Pediatr Endocrinol Metab. 2009 Jul;22(7):661-7.
  • 118. Jiang CB, Yeh CY, Lee HC, Chen MJ, Hung FU, Fang SS, Chien LC. Mercury concentration in meconium and risk assessment of fish consumption among pregnant women in Taiwan. Science of the Total Environment, 2010 408(3):518-23
  • 119. Lee HC, Chang TY, Yeung CY,Chan WT,Jiang CB & Chen WF,Chan HW ,Liu HF, Lin M, Lee YJ.Genetic Variation in the Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Gene is Associated With Biliary Atresia J Clin Gastroenterol Volume 44, Number 2, 2010,44:135-9
  • 120. Lee HC, Chang TY, Yeung CY,Chan WT,Jiang CB & Chen WF,Chan HW ,Liu HF, Lin M, Lee YJ. Association of Interferon-Gamma Gene Polymorphisms in Taiwanese Children with Biliary Atresia J Clin Immunol 2010; 30:68-73
  • 121. Chang SW, Lee HC*, Yeung CY, Chan WT, Hsu CH, Kao HA, Hung HY, Chang JH, Sheu JC, Wang NL :20-Year Review of Early and Late Onset Congenital Bochdalek Diaphragmatic Hernia: Are They Different Clinical Spectrums? Pediatr Neonatol 2010;51(1):26−30
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  • 177. Chang CW, Lee HC, Li LH , Chiang Chiau JS , Wang TE, Chuang HW , Chen ML, Wang HY , Shih SH, Liu CY , Tsai TH, Chen YJ. Fecal Microbiota Transplantation Prevents Intestinal Injury, Upregulation of Toll-Like Receptors, and 5-Fluorouracil/Oxaliplatin-Induced Toxicity in Colorectal Cancer Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2020, 21, 386; doi:10.3390/ijms21020386
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